The Commonwealth Government of Australia has awarded the Defence Global Competitiveness Grant Program to PFG and five other Australian businesses.  With this grant, PFG can enhance its manufacturing capability for international defence contracts. This project will involve several improvements to PFG’s Hobart manufacturing facility, including the establishment of a second fabrication line, upgrades to facility security, and the delivery of staff training.

One of the main goals of this project is to establish a second fabrication line, therefore increasing PFG’s production capacity. This will involve implementing improvements to logistic processes and providing staff training to ensure high-quality manufacturing. The second fabrication line will effectively double PFG’s production capacity, enabling the company to take on more international defence contracts and compete in the global marketplace.

Additionally, PFG will upgrade its facility physical and cyber security. This will ensure that PFG’s manufacturing operations are secure and protected against any potential security breaches. These upgrades will be critical in enabling PFG to secure and maintain international defence contracts that require a high level of security compliance.

Overall, this project will improve PFG’s manufacturing capability and facility suitability for international defence contracts, enabling the company to continue delivering quality Australian-manufactured products. By enhancing its production capacity and security measures, PFG will be able to compete effectively in the global defence marketplace and contribute to Australia’s defence industry.

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